The make-up of our judging panel changes from year to year, reflecting the ever-evolving nature of the industry itself. Our closely vetted panel comes together on the yearly judging day for lively debates on our hotly contested categories ensuring each entry is vetted against our strict criteria and high standards.
- Following the deadline, after all submissions have been received, all entries will be sent to judges for the first round of review. Every entry is provided in the same format and without any material that goes against the terms and conditions.
- judges give their free time to participate in the judging process.
- Judges with conflicts of interest in categories will not participate in the judging of those categories.
- Entries will be carefully scrutinised with the best selected to go forward to the shortlist for each category.
- Judges score each entry according to the criteria of each category.
- They then meet to discuss their scores and make a final decision during a single day of judging, based on the contents of the written or video entry.
- The judging process is confidential and all decisions are final.
- The shortlist of finalists will be published on the Awards' website.
- Judges are divided into a minimum of two panels, ensuring any potential conflict is avoided.
- The judges will score each of the entries allocated to them against a predetermined set of scores.
- Scores are then collected and collated, with the entrant receiving the highest overall score being declared the winner of that category.
- Feedback is provided for winning entries, however, due to the high volume of entries, feedback cannot be provided for anyone else.
- The judges' decision is final and no correspondence or communication of any kind will be entered into in relation to decisions reached.
- The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony.