Welcome To the B2B Growth Awards!

The region's outstanding talent will gather in Novotel Hotel, 1 W Quay Rd, Southampton SO15 1RA, United Kingdom on 09 October 2024

About the Awards Entry


Welcome to the B2B Growth Awards. B2B Growth Awards are accountant’s most prestigious award scheme in isle of man. We recognise and reward brilliance in the field of accountancy, celebrating the finest minds within the profession. The award shines the spotlight on the best of the best in accountancy industry.

Recognised as the pinnacle of professional achievement, each year the greatest accountancy practice organisations and thought leaders from around the region gather for a spectacular evening of anticipation, entertainment, and inspiration at the B2B Growth Awards.

Competing for a spot on the prestigious list of finalists and winners, organisations of all sizes go head to head to prove they are the most esteemed, innovative, and transformative players in the industry.

Forever adorned with the mark of greatness, these distinguished few join the ranks of the trailblazers before them and receive the opportunity to proclaim their excellence in the region.

Business within the sector is ever changing and we are changing with it. B2B Growth Awards will continue to raise awareness of the creativity and originality delivered by accountants, as well as showcase the successes of accounting teams and individuals alike. We recognise organisations that have demonstrated commitment to accountancy practices, regardless of their size or the sector they operate within.

B2B Growth Awards give us a chance to celebrate those adapting, changing and leading the way forward.  the B2B Growth Awards are about celebrating excellence and we can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store.

Enter now for your chance at a spot on the prestigious list of finalists and category winners



It takes time, effort and hard work to improve the culture within an organisation and raise brand awareness in the local business community as a business leader. Not only do the B2B Growth Awards give you the recognition you deserve, they also help:

  • Motivate your team and reward employees
  • An opportunity to celebrate as well as win new clients, partners and business opportunities
  • Prove your success both within your organisation and to others in the industry
  • Benchmark yourself against other leaders in the field
  • Showcase your commitment to excellent accountancy practices.
  • Stand out against the competition
  • Leverage your marketing - through PR and increased brand awareness
  • If you are shortlisted your company logo will feature at the awards ceremony attended by hundreds of the leading names in the industry.
  • Attract talent



Read the criteria before, during and after

Unless the awards give you free reign on the written submission, you should live and die by the criteria from word count to content. This may sound obvious but it’s really easy to deviate from the requirements when you’re mid-flow writing about a particularly interesting tender win. Surplus info won’t be marked. It’s also worth keeping in mind the core values and the mission of the organisation running the awards – aligning your answer with those may help you to get noticed.


Be emotive

Where appropriate tell a story and bring it to life for the assessor. Hone in on the point or points that you feel give you the strongest chance of winning and hammer them home as hard as you can. Back up your points with one or two strong examples that illustrate them clearly.


Back up with data

We don’t all have data at our fingertips but taking the time to calculate the ROI on a marketing campaign or sales figures for the last 12 months can make all the difference in bringing the examples in your award entry to life. Providing data will strengthen anecdotal examples so make the effort to source it if you really want your entry to pack a punch.


Source an external proofer

We’re all prone to using internal lingo, shortening phrases and using acronyms for speed and ease but if the assessor doesn’t understand your language, your great examples won’t count for a great deal. Ask someone outside your company to proof your entry to make sure it makes complete sense to an outsider before you submit.


Focus on the last 12 months

Criteria on what to include will vary but with annual awards it’s always a good idea to pay special attention to successes and achievements over the preceding 12 months or since the last time you entered.  That’s not to say you can’t include more historic accolades but try to balance them with recent data.


Ask for feedback

Always push for feedback on your written entry, see where you scored well and where you missed out with a view to making it even better next year. If at first you don’t succeed…

Login to Enter the awards dashboard

Key Requirements

When completing your entry, please follow these rules:
All activities cited in support of your entries must have been ongoing within the past 12 months from the closing date of these awards. 
Please ensure your submission fits onto A4 pages in portrait PDF format including supporting materials such as pictures, graphs, tables etc.
Please answer each of the key criteria points allocated to the category that you are entering. This is what the judges base their scores on. Back up your key points with other information such as tables, graphics, figures, pictures etc.
You may enter as many categories as are relevant, however each entry must be tailored to meet the category criteria.
The entering party does not have to be resident in the Isle of Man, but the projects that support their entry must have taken place in these areas.
Here’s your handy checklist.Firstly, you will need to login or register through the B2B Growth Awards Website
If you are a member, please enter your login details.
If you are a non-member, please choose the ‘Register’ button option 
choose your award category and click on Apply. All sections should be completed. We recommend that you prepare your supporting documents for the application in word, pdf and ppt format in the first instance and send then as an attachment as part of the application!IMPORTANT DETAILS TO INCLUDE
You’ll need to ensure you provide the following details in your entry:
• Nominator details. Please complete your personal details and contact information.
• Nominated Category: Choose your award
category and complete the details of your scheme including the name and address.
• Partner details: Tell us about the different partners involved. We need the names and addresses of the investor/owner and developer alongside any other important partners.
• Supporting information:  The description of entry should be no longer than 200 words. It’s a brief executive summary outlining the context of the scheme – we’ll use this to compose commentary. Think of it as a 30 second pitch – it should be precise, simple and informative! Your supporting information statement should be no longer than 1,000 words; this is where you should outline how your application meets the category’s judging criteria.
• Supporting media: All supporting media should also be submitted using the online application. We’ll be using your images and videos during all publicity for the Gold Awards and for the awards presentation at the Annual Dinner. It’s important that your images and videos are high quality and representative of your scheme. 
• Please include:
• Photos – high quality images in jpeg format (maximum of 4)
• Video – we recommend including any video footage you have including marketing materials or CGI video etc.
• Statements from occupiers, customers, key stakeholders or supply chain – compiled in a PDF document (maximum of 2)
• Structural diagrams, charts, graphs, site maps, floor plans – compiled in a PDF document (maximum of 1 at no more than 10MB in size)
• Organisation logo – high resolution jpeg and eps format, full colour and white out
Login to Enter the awards dashboard

Our Process

All entries must be submitted online. Please note that these awards are FREE to enter until the launch date. Don’t forget to read the Top Tips before submitting your entry!
Getting started
The first stage on the entry process is to fill in a form with your contact information, so that we can create an account for you.

Your submission
From there, you will be asked to select the category that you would like to enter from a list of drop down options. You will then be automatically be taken through to the entry questions for that category. Please note: all entry questions must be answered in order for your entry to be considered.
You do not have to complete your entry in one session - once you have registered you can save your work as you go along. To return to a saved entry, click on ‘In Progress’ in the box on the left hand side of the page.
Multiple Entries
There is no limit to the number of entries that you can submit. However, one or two powerful entries in categories in which you have excelled stand a better chance of success than across the board entries in every category.
To submit additional entries, click on ‘Make Another Application’ in the box on the left hand side of the page and repeat the submission process.
Finished entry
When your entry has been successfully submitted you will receive an email confirmation; if you do not receive this email, please contact our events team. Please note: once you have pressed this button, your entry cannot be amended.
All entries are confidential; only judges will view your submission, and they cannot see your login details.

Entering the awards is simple: for your ease this year we have moved the entry process on-line and made the requirements for the initial judging stage more straightforward. We are asking for a 300-word written paper and six PowerPoint slides to illustrate your work. Entries can be made via a fully automatic, on-line application facility allowing you to input contact information, product/project details, make payment and supply images in one easy submission.
To submit your entry, please select the category that you wish to enter here and follow these steps:
Page 1: Entrant Details
Online Entry Form: Your contact details, organisation information and project information and your 50 word entry summary are required here.
Page 2: Your Entry Document & Logo
• Upload your 5 A4 page PDF entry document here.
• Please note that your entry document must be less than 8MB and in PDF format, otherwise the system will not allow you to continue.
• Please also upload your organisation's logo in JPG format. The maximum file size is 8MB.
Page 3: Photos for the AV Presentation & Terms and Conditions
• Upload the 2 photos which will represent your entry in the AV Presentation on the Awards night. We require 2 high quality JPEG photos (300dpi) which are landscape in format. The maximum size per file is again 8MB.
• You will also be asked to accept the Awards' Terms and Conditions; please note that by doing so that you agree to send at least 1 representative to the Awards night should your organisation be shortlisted.
Page 4: Trophy Form
Confirm who will be your organisation's representative at the Awards to accept the trophy, and confirm how your organisation name should be engraved onto the trophy should you win.
Page 5: Your Entry Reference
This page confirms that your entry has been received and you will receive an email confirming same.

Why Enter ?

Here at B2B Growth Awards, we believe that everyone should hear the words “and the winner is…” and then their name announced at least once in their lives.There are many benefits of entering awards, from PR exposure, increased credibility to improve your team morale to celebrating success.At B2B Growth Awards, we provide accounting leaders, professionals and firms a fantastic opportunity to showcase their excellence.  
  • 15 categories completing various types of awards such as Firm Excellence Awards m Individuals Excellence Awards, Teams Excellence Awards etc.  
  • that shine in the accounting awards industry
  • These awards champion excellence in a variety of different disciplines
  • The Awards are judged by an independent panel of professionals from leading agencies throughout the Isle of Man as well as the UK – all experienced within their nominated award
  • Individual categories judged by senior professionals with vast experience within the accounting and finance industry
  • Free to enter and you can enter as many categories as you desire
  • Guaranteed exposure to a receptive audience of esteemed judges, an industry seal of approval for a job well done

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Sanjeev Mishra
Technical Architect
07909 821016

Santosh Mishra

Nagendra Mishra

James Seilo
Sales Director



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